Salem Lutheran Preschool in Coloma, MI

Name:Salem Lutheran Preschool
Preschool Address:P.o Box 729 275 Marvin, Coloma, MI 49038
Preschool Phone:(269) 468-6567
Child ages:n/a
Preschool Website:

Preschool Description



Here is just a bit of a material we've found for this Coloma childcare at this time. You might be able to acquire further information on their overall school philosophy by going to this page:

Something else to look at when selecting a childcare in Coloma, MI is at reputable day cares, instructional times are developed to inspire boys and girls to love learning. Virtually all respectable childcare around 49038 provides an atomosphere for child development. The most prestigious of these facilities maintain programs developed with the experts in education and developmental sciences. Great lesson plans are best delivered by teaching staff who are highly sensitive to the needs and abilities of the children.

Salem Lutheran Preschool in Coloma, MI is a modern childcare running in an extremely important industry. For anyone in this line of work, the direction is to establish a trusted relationship with families through service to the community. Moms and dads who seek the most reputable day cares can have some peace of mind trusting they are entrusting their boys and girls in safe, nurturing and educational environments. Undeniably, day cares in the area will assist moms and dads with innovativeness and solidity. In Coloma, the state collaborate with day cares to ensure the best care for boys and girls. Most people believe that day cares are truely the most meaningful supporter of society. These experts should get ongoing assistance to do this beneficial service to families.

View profile on Mom Trusted: Salem Lutheran Preschool in Coloma, MI

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Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday to Friday

Salem Lutheran Preschool on Map

Salem Lutheran Preschool

(269) 468-6567

P.o Box 729 275 Marvin, Coloma, MI 49038