Salvation Army School Age Care in Lancaster, PA

Name:Salvation Army School Age Care
Type:Daycare Center
Daycare Center Address:131 S Queen St, Lancaster, PA 17603
Daycare Center Phone:(717) 397-7565
Child ages:5 years - 12 years
Daycare Center Website:

Daycare Center Description

Whether its embracing the homeless uplifting the abused or abandoned training and mentoring the disadvantaged providing character building programs for youth or assisting the displaced or elderly The Salvation Army's goal remains the same: serving the most people meeting the most needs DOING THE MOST GOOD!
When you give to The Salvation Army expect change. Change in the number of teens finding mentors and staying in school. Change in the lives of people devastated by fire and flooding. Change in the violence plaguing our neighborhoods. Change in the lives of families torn apart by drug and alcohol addiction. By addressing the whole person physically emotionally and spiritually - The Salvation Army in Lancaster offers hope and creates change.

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Salvation Army School Age Care on Map

Salvation Army School Age Care

(717) 397-7565

131 S Queen St, Lancaster, PA 17603