Sephardic Gan in Houston, TX

Name:Sephardic Gan
Preschool Address:9730 Hillcroft, Houston, TX 77096
Preschool Phone:(713) 721-3900
Child ages:n/a
Preschool Website:

Preschool Description

Mission Statement
Sephardic Gan/Torat Emet is dedicated to instilling Torah values and positive character traits within its students. We are committed to helping each child reach their potential and encourages close cooperation between home and school.
Sephardic Gan/Torat Emet prides itself on an excellence in both Judaic and Secular instruction. The students gain a love of Torah as well as an excitement and interest in all Judaic aspects of life. In addition there is a focus on Sephardic Tradition with an emphasis on Ivrit.

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Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

08:00 AM-02:15 PM - Monday - Friday

Sephardic Gan on Map

Sephardic Gan

(713) 721-3900

9730 Hillcroft, Houston, TX 77096