St. James Brethren Church in Fairplay, MD

Name:St. James Brethren Church
Type:Day Care
Day Care Address:17718 Lappans Road, Fairplay, MD 21733
Day Care Phone:(301) 582-3333
Child ages:6 weeks - 12 years
Day Care Website:

Day Care Description

King's Kids opened in August of 2003 with an after school program. In August 2005 we opened the Child Care center including children from 6 weeks of age to 12 years old. We currently have 5 classrooms and an after school program. In December 2008, our center was nationally accredited with the Maryland State Department of Education which took a lot of hard work and dedication from the staff and parents to accomplish. The classrooms follow the creative curriculum. In addition we weave character building development and the principles of the Bible into our curriculum.
Our teachers are college graduates and hold Maryland State Certifications in teaching. In addition our teachers and assistants participate in annual educational workshops and are certified in CPR and First Aid.
We encourage families to arrange a tour. Feel free to bring your child for a visit while classes are in session. Meet our staff, see our safe and secure facility, and learn about our growth-oriented programs and activities.

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Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday to Friday 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM

St. James Brethren Church on Map

St. James Brethren Church

(301) 582-3333

17718 Lappans Road, Fairplay, MD 21733