St. Mary's Preschool in El Centro, CA

Name:St. Mary's Preschool
Type:Pre School
Pre School Address:700 South Waterman, El Centro, CA 92243
Pre School Phone:(760) 352-7285
Child ages:n/a
Pre School Website:

Pre School Description

The life and works of the Sisters Servants of the Blessed Sacrament (S.J.S.) are directed towards building an intimate union with God through the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and the devotion to the Blessed Mother. Their apostolate is the outpouring of their love for God and for each other.
The S.J.S. schools should create with the teachers parents and students a caring atmosphere and environment in which individuals develop a personal knowledge and responsibility for each other in an interdependent world. Furthermore S.J.S. schools should encourage each individual to stretch beyond the intellectual and technical achievement in order to reach a deeper spiritual and moral truth.

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St. Mary's Preschool on Map

St. Mary's Preschool

(760) 352-7285

700 South Waterman, El Centro, CA 92243