St. Mathew Preschool in Tolland, CT

Name:St. Mathew Preschool
Type:Pre K
Pre K Address:111 Tolland Green, Tolland, CT 06084
Pre K Phone:(860) 872-0200
Child ages:3 years - 5 years
Rate:$ (less than $510)
Pre K Website:

Pre K Description

The program for the three year olds will run from 8:45am11:45am on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Tuition will be $1275 per year and a $75 registration fee is required.
The program for the four year olds will run from 8:45am11:45am on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Tuition will be $1750 per year and a $75 registration is required for new families only.
We are an accredited Music Together Preschool and both the three year old class and the four year old class will have a 30 minute structured music class once a week by a certified Music Together teacher. Jane Roets is our current Music Together instructor. During this time the children will sing songs, dance and play musical instruments. The children will receive two music cds and a songbook containing all of the songs (with words and music) they will be singing in class.

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Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday-Friday: 8:45am - 11:45am

St. Mathew Preschool on Map

St. Mathew Preschool

(860) 872-0200

111 Tolland Green, Tolland, CT 06084