Stallings Elementary After School Program in Matthews, NC

Name:Stallings Elementary After School Program
Type:Child Care
Child Care Address:3501 Stallings Road, Matthews, NC 28104
Child Care Phone:(704) 296-0247
Child ages:5 years - 12 years
Rate:$ (less than $510)
Child Care Website:n/a

Child Care Description

The After School Program is designed to meet the needs of working families with school-age children enrolled in UCPS elementary schools. Sites are well staffed and conveniently located at schools where there is sufficient interest. The location of these programs at elementary schools provides many advantages. Besides having access to playgrounds and equipment, gymnasiums, and audio-visual material, children remain in a familiar environment. All sites are licensed with the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Child Development.
The After School Program does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, disability or ethnic background. Children of all backgrounds and abilities are encouraged to enroll. Enrollment is open to any individual with a disability who, without reasonable programming modifications, is enrolled in a UCPS elementary school. The child must be self-sufficient and able to function in a group setting. We assume children are potty trained when enrolled; we reserve the right to withdraw a child if there is repeated evidence that a child is not potty trained. Parents should notify the program coordinator of any known medical conditions prior to enrollment.
The After School Program complements rather than duplicates the school day by giving children the opportunity to explore and build on individual interests and skills. Students can relax and unwind, join a special interest club, play sports and games, and socialize with peers and adults. For further information please see the weekly enrichment schedule which is posted at each site.
A minimum of twenty-five children is needed to begin an After School Program with a steady, yearly increase in enrollment to offset costs. All programs must be self-sustaining. Subsidized assistance is available through the Department of Social Services for families who qualify. The After School Program is organized and operated by Union County Public Schools. The program has an "open-door" visitation policy at all sites for parents.
*Each site builds upon community resources and encourages community involvement through our lesson plan activities, field trips, special service projects and outreach events.
*Each site welcomes comments, suggestions, and concerns from parents of children in the program. Please feel free to offer suggestions to the program coordinator at any time. Your interest and input help us to establish policies and procedures that enhance daily activities.
*It is imperative that each parent keeps the program notified of any address or phone number changes. Failure to supply current contact information may result in a child being dismissed from the program.

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Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday - Friday: school dismissal to 6:00pm

Stallings Elementary After School Program on Map

Stallings Elementary After School Program

(704) 296-0247

3501 Stallings Road, Matthews, NC 28104