Sweet Pea Preschool and Daycare Too! in Portland, OR

Name:Sweet Pea Preschool and Daycare Too!
Type:Pre K
Pre K Address:4117 Southeast Harrison Street, Portland, OR 97222
Pre K Phone:(503) 654-1224
Child ages:1 year - 5 years
Pre K Website:http://sweetpea-preschool.com/

Pre K Description

Sweet Peas mission is to create a space which is safe and nurturing for all children; where the whole child is encouraged socially, emotionally, and academically. We encourage each child to develop a strong curiosity for exploring and learning through play. We respect each child as an individual and offer opportunities to problem solve for themselves and to grow with a positive self-esteem.
Our focus is in creating a rich environment offering many centers for exploring, creating and imaginary play. The emphasis is on social and emotional growth during the early childhood years, ages 1-5. Our academic learning is introduced through activities, games, books themes and sensory play.

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Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday - Friday 7:00am - 6:00pm

Photos of Sweet Pea Preschool and Daycare Too!

Photo #1 of Sweet Pea Preschool and Daycare Too!
Photo #2 of Sweet Pea Preschool and Daycare Too!
Photo #3 of Sweet Pea Preschool and Daycare Too!

Sweet Pea Preschool and Daycare Too! on Map

Sweet Pea Preschool and Daycare Too!

(503) 654-1224

4117 Southeast Harrison Street, Portland, OR 97222