Tobias Early Learning Center in Kyle, TX

Name:Tobias Early Learning Center
Type:Pre K
Pre K Address:1005 F M 150 E, Kyle, TX 78640
Pre K Phone:(512) 268-8437
Child ages:n/a
Pre K Website:

Pre K Description

The teachers and staff of Tobias Elementary believe that their job as an educator or supporter of education is of great importance. Therefore we have agreed to enter into a covenant with our students parents and community.
We promise to:
Meet every child at their current level and ensure that they continue to grow academically and socially.
Hold all students to high expectations knowing every child can and should experience success on their educational journey.
Foster a love of learning so students understand that learning is a life-long activity. One never stops learning!
Assist in developing well-rounded citizens; citizens who are educated multicultural and understand the giving of ones self to create a strong society.

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Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

07:00 AM-05:00 PM - Monday - Friday

Tobias Early Learning Center on Map

Tobias Early Learning Center

(512) 268-8437

1005 F M 150 E, Kyle, TX 78640