Urban Strategies at Fannie Barnes #4 in Brooklyn, NY

Name:Urban Strategies at Fannie Barnes #4
Daycare Address:452 Pennsylvania Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11207
Daycare Phone:(718) 485-4100
Child ages:2 years - 12 years
Daycare Website:http://www.urbanstrategiesny.org/programs.html

Daycare Description

The mission of Urban Strategies Head Start is to provide a comprehensive early childhood education to as many children as possible. Our purpose is to educate the children and empower the parents to be advocate for themselves and their children; to be positive role models and become successful members of society.
We are committed to provide quality education and supportive services to children and families. A team of caring professionals with diverse educational and human services backgrounds carries out this commitment. This childcare provider is able to dispense over-the-counter lotions only

View profile on Mom Trusted: Urban Strategies at Fannie Barnes #4 in Brooklyn, NY

Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

8:00 AM to 6:00 PM

Urban Strategies at Fannie Barnes #4 on Map

Urban Strategies at Fannie Barnes #4

(718) 485-4100

452 Pennsylvania Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11207