Wee Lambs Preschool in Gretna, NE

Name:Wee Lambs Preschool
Childcare Address:11204 SOUTH 204 ST, Gretna, NE 68028
Childcare Phone:(402) 332-3267
Child ages:3 years - 5 years
Childcare Website:http://www.gslcgretna.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=

Childcare Description

Wee Lambs Preschool is a Christ-centered preschool, commited to teaching the Gospel to children. Under the direction of our Preschool Director, Lisa Stirtz, the preschool offers many opportunities to learn about Jesus. Children will also learn new songs, fingerplays, ABC's and 123's, and how to share. Socialization and being apart from mom and dad is also an important part of the preschool program. Each child is recognized as a gift from God and will learn through experimentation and exploration. Every week the children will have "Chapel Time" with Pastor Werling, Vicar Paul Muther, or our DCE Tara Hess. Here, the children will once again hear of Jesus' love for them.

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Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday - Friday 9:00 AM To 3:30 PM

Wee Lambs Preschool on Map

Wee Lambs Preschool

(402) 332-3267

11204 SOUTH 204 ST, Gretna, NE 68028