Westover Summer Programs in Berlin, NH

Name:Westover Summer Programs
Type:Child Day Care
Child Day Care Address:1237 Whittemore Road - Westover School, Berlin, NH 03570
Child Day Care Phone:(203) 758-2423
Child ages:12 years - 15 years
Child Day Care Website:http://www.westoverschool.org/page.cfm?p=256

Child Day Care Description

All of Westover's summer sessions are fully residential, designed to give every camper enriching programs during the day and an exciting camp experience in the afternoon and evening. After a full day of the arts or academics, our campers make the most of their time with afternoon and evening programs. Campers are assigned dorm rooms, roommates, and dorm parents... What a wonderful way to experience all that Westover's summer programs have to offer!
Westover's Summer Sessions set the stage for a well-supervised away-from-home adventure. Make new friends! Spend the evening around the bonfire eating s'mores, take part in talent shows, and try a new craft!

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Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday-Friday: 12:00am - 11:59pm

Westover Summer Programs on Map

Westover Summer Programs

(203) 758-2423

1237 Whittemore Road - Westover School, Berlin, NH 03570