Willis Hare Elementary School in Pendleton, NC

Name:Willis Hare Elementary School
Type:Pre School
Pre School Address:479 Willis Hare Road, Pendleton, NC 27862
Pre School Phone:(252) 585-1900
Child ages:3 years - 10 years
Pre School Website:http://willisnorthampton.sharpschool.com/

Pre School Description

Willis Hare is dedicated to its tradition of excellence as it prepares students for the future by ensuring quality instruction in a nurturing and collaborative student-centered environment.
We believe that every child can succeed if attention is given to his or her learning strengths, as well as his or her learning weaknesses. I am looking forward to working with you throughout the year as we strive to provide the highest quality of services for our students.

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Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

Willis Hare Elementary School on Map

Willis Hare Elementary School

(252) 585-1900

479 Willis Hare Road, Pendleton, NC 27862