Wonderland Day Care Center in Brooklyn, NY

Name:Wonderland Day Care Center
Type:Day Care
Day Care Address:265 Newkirk Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11230
Day Care Phone:(718) 871-5034
Child ages:2 years - 6 years
Rate:$ (less than $510)
Day Care Website:http://childcarebrooklyn.com/

Day Care Description

We are the preschool professionals in the area providing high-quality center-based child care and early childhood education for children from 2 to 6 years old. We also provide Universal Pre-K a free New York State-sponsored program for pre-schoolers which allows you to place your child in our private individually-directed school curriculum instead of attending a public school. Post-pre-K child care and other arrangements are available as well for a reasonable fee. Our well-trained staff consists of teachers who will give your child the personal attention and guidance they will need to learn as they relate to the world around them. Children can learn their ABCs numbers colors music and other group activities that help them prepare for the future; they also have access to a wide range of physical activities toys and play equipment including outside access to our safe protected back yard in good weather and an inside play area for other times.
Our underlying philosophy is to provide a rich fulfilling environment for the children in our care. We strive to create and foster a spirit of independence self-reliance and self-trust in an atmosphere that encourages learning and builds a structure of knowledge driven by a childs natural curiosity. We focus on teaching conflict resolution through communication and have a strong and central belief in providing children with good examples as well as teaching and demonstrating these methods.

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Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

7:00 am to 6:00 pm

Wonderland Day Care Center on Map

Wonderland Day Care Center

(718) 871-5034

265 Newkirk Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11230