YMCA Morningside in Salem, OR

Name:YMCA Morningside
Type:Child Care
Child Care Address:3513 12th Street SE, Salem, OR 97302
Child Care Phone:(503) 399-2769
Child ages:5 years - 12 years
Child Care Website:http://youry.org/salem-family-ymca/salem-programs/salem-child-development/salem-school-age-enrichment/

Child Care Description

The Family YMCA of Marion and Polk Counties is living our cause of youth development through our Before and Afterschool Enrichment Programs by nuturing the potential of every child and teen in our community. Research shows that children who participate in afterschool programs are more successful in academics, are healthier, and more often maintain positive behaviors. Afterschool programming at the YMCA is specially geared to achieve these results.
Quality afterschool programs are more than just a safe place for kids to hang out after the bell rings. YMCA afterschool programs nurture potential, improve academic engagement and achievement, build confidence and character and support healthy development in spirit, mind and body. Whether stimulating the mind through arts, getting physically active to improve healthy, or getting out into the community to support neighbors, YMCA afterschool programs give kids a sense of the world around them and the role they can play in that world.
As a leading nonprofit for strengthening the community, the YMCA believes access to afterschool programs is important for all kids. By providing the kind of enrichment that sparks passion, builds skills and opens doors, the YMCA is a place where the community can come together. We believe every child is full of promise and possibilities, and we love being there when a child realizes it, too!

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Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday-Friday: 7:00pm-6:00 pm

Photos of YMCA Morningside

Photo #1 of YMCA Morningside

YMCA Morningside on Map

YMCA Morningside

(503) 399-2769

3513 12th Street SE, Salem, OR 97302