Yonkers Children Excel Club III in Bronxville, NY

Name:Yonkers Children Excel Club III
Childcare Address:373 Bronxville Road, Bronxville, NY 10708
Childcare Phone:(914) 966-0034
Child ages:n/a
Childcare Website:http://yonkerschildrenexcelclub.org/

Childcare Description

Our mission is to provide a safe relaxed and enriching environment where children may identify and develop their interests and improve their skills while engaging in a variety of age appropriate educational and recreational activities.
A supervised homework component is an integral part of our program.
We ensure that all children have access to high quality programs activities and opportunities during non school hours. We believe that these experiences are essential to the healthy development of children who then can become capable members of society.
Our work bridges the worlds of research policy and practice. This daycare provider is permitted to apply only non-prescription lotions salves

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Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

8:00 A.M. TO 4:00 P.M.

Yonkers Children Excel Club III on Map

Yonkers Children Excel Club III

(914) 966-0034

373 Bronxville Road, Bronxville, NY 10708