York Avenue Preschool in New York, NY

Name:York Avenue Preschool
Type:Pre School
Pre School Address:1520 York Avenue, New York, NY 10028
Pre School Phone:(212) 734-0922
Child ages:2 years - 4 years
Pre School Website:http://www.yorkavenuepreschool.org

Pre School Description

The mission of York Avenue Preschool is to provide children from diverse backgrounds with a comprehensive traditional early childhood education which integrates art, music, physical education and language, in a safe, warm environment. The curriculum is developmental and is based on the guidelines of the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), and standards of the New York State Department of Education. Our goal is to reach each child and work with them towards their “next steps”. Every child is unique in their skill development and our exceptional teachers create a classroom environment that develops a love of learning and self confidence in each child.

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Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

M-W-F- 2.7-3 yrs-9:00-11:45 T-TH-2.3-2.6 yrs-9:00-11:45 M-F-3-3.11 yrs-9:00-12:00 M-TH-3.8-4.0 yrs-9:00-2:30, F-9:00-12:00 M-TH-4.0-4.11 yrs-9:00-2:30 F-9:00-12:00

York Avenue Preschool on Map

York Avenue Preschool

(212) 734-0922

1520 York Avenue, New York, NY 10028