Agape Child Development Center in Newport, KY

Name:Agape Child Development Center
Childcare Address:120 Main Street, Newport, KY 41071
Childcare Phone:(859) 491-1215
Child ages:6 weeks - 6 years
Childcare Website:

Childcare Description

The Centers of Basic Trust provide an atmosphere that embodies the Love of Christ. Centers that nurture care and educate the children entrusted to us in such a way that they in-turn learn to love and care for others. We believe in an orderly and sensible structure for children. Children thrive and learn in a learning conducive environment and that is what Basic Trust offers! Webelieve parents to be the first and foremost teachers of the children we are privileged to serve. We strive to empower our parents with information and resources that allow them to provide for their children in every way possible. We believe in the development of the whole childmind body and spirit! Our educational methods materials and facilitators exemplify a biblical approach to teaching and childrearing"precept upon precept and line upon line". We encourage you to explore further the facilities of Basic Trust! Each one holds its own unique qualities with your childs best interest in mind.

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Agape Child Development Center on Map

Agape Child Development Center

(859) 491-1215

120 Main Street, Newport, KY 41071