Chicago Youth Centers Dorothy Gautreaux in Riverdale, IL

Name:Chicago Youth Centers Dorothy Gautreaux
Daycare Address:975 E 132nd St, Riverdale, IL 60827
Daycare Phone:(773) 291-1000
Child ages:3 years - 5 years
Daycare Website:n/a

Daycare Description

CYC provides high-quality full-day and half-day programs for children aged 3 5. The Early Childhood Education Program offers educational, social, health, nutrition, mental health and disabilities services delivered in a classroom setting with supportive services offered through social service staff and referrals to community providers. The Program meets all city and state licensing standards, follows all Head Start and Illinois Child Care rules and procedures and adheres to the highest standards as set out by both Head Start and the National Association for the Education of Young Children.
CYC encourages parents to be actively involved in the classroom and offers parent-child days, home visits, newsletters and workshops on parenting issues to build bridges between the Program and the home. CYC has also developed partnerships with neighborhood health and mental health agencies citywide to which referrals can be made when a childs health or developmental needs are identified. Caring for the whole child is the aim of CYCs Early Childhood Education Program.

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Inspection URL
Special Needs
Please contact us for more information
Operating hours

07:00 - 18:00

Chicago Youth Centers Dorothy Gautreaux on Map

Chicago Youth Centers Dorothy Gautreaux

(773) 291-1000

975 E 132nd St, Riverdale, IL 60827