Community Baptist Child Enrichment Center in Manhattan Beach, CA

Name:Community Baptist Child Enrichment Center
Childcare Address:1243 Artesia Boulevard, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
Childcare Phone:(310) 374-0583
Child ages:n/a
Childcare Website:n/a

Childcare Description

Sorry, we don’t have a description for Community Baptist Child Enrichment Center, a childcare in Manhattan Beach, CA. We’re working to locate more info about this child care. For your reference, we have compiled a couple of items below that people typically look for in a child care provider.

At great day cares, staff devote much of their day to making the environment comfortable, safe, and educational. Sophistication and versatility are hallmarks of every stellar child care center. The finest child care centers are concerned about maintaining their work reputation. Lots of childcare centers in Manhattan Beach, CA working today claim high-spirited caregivers having great intelligence as well as caring personality. Maintaining the culture of greatness, sound daycare centers target constantly honing their developmental amenities.

Normally, moms and dads value getting the best, and most reputable childcare in Manhattan Beach. Boys and girls are so sweet and they warrent the best, most nurturing care. Child care services break down generally because of the quality of their staff. That's why the best Manhattan Beach daycare centers adhere to strict controls when bringing on new employees. In an ideal world, all staff members are considered with great care.

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Community Baptist Child Enrichment Center on Map

Community Baptist Child Enrichment Center

(310) 374-0583

1243 Artesia Boulevard, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266