Country Grove Preschool in Madison, WI

Name:Country Grove Preschool
Type:Day Care
Day Care Address:3201 Tanglewood Dr, Madison, WI 53719
Day Care Phone:(608) 845-7988
Child ages:2 years - 10 years
Day Care Website:

Day Care Description

As a preschool, Country Groves goal is to help children learn about the world around them through active exploration and hands on experience.
Each classroom is designed to teach a variety of curriculums including language arts, math, cultural studies, music, science and motor skills. Our teachers present planned ideas and objectives daily through the use of themes that the children can relate to and understand.
One of our schools principle beliefs is that all children need positive self image to learn and grow. Our staff will always take the time to make children feel loved, accepted valued and self confident as they learn.

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Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday - Friday: 7:00AM - 5:45PM

Photos of Country Grove Preschool

Photo #1 of Country Grove Preschool
Photo #2 of Country Grove Preschool

Country Grove Preschool on Map

Country Grove Preschool

(608) 845-7988

3201 Tanglewood Dr, Madison, WI 53719