Jackson Elementary School, child care provider description in 17701

Name:Jackson Elementary School
Type:Child Care Provider
Child Care Provider Address:2500 Newberry St, Williamsport, PA 17701
Child Care Provider Phone:(570) 326-1801
Child ages:n/a
Child Care Provider Website:http://www.wasd.org/jacksones/site/default.asp

Child Care Provider Philosophy

Williamsport Jackson Elementary School doesn't have much about their school philosophy here but orginarily the greatest daycares are bound by aiding every family in that particular child day care. If you are searching for a child day care in Williamsport be sure that their main purpose is to properly provide a safe and caring facility so dads and moms can breathe and feel sure that the child day care cares deeply for their .

Your children's early emotional progression will likely be formed by the efforts of several groups, made up of extended family, day care centers, as well as teaching staff. Many feel that early educators and staff have a immense possibility to champion this growth. Have certainty that each and every educator have extensive training in their respective careers and truely relish guiding the early education of small younsters. A fantastic child day care will encourage your youngster qualify to enter elementary school by teaching them school disciplines from first years through the last day of pre-k.

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Jackson Elementary School on Map

Jackson Elementary School

(570) 326-1801

2500 Newberry St, Williamsport, PA 17701