Oak Hill Montessori, preschool info in 22042

Name:Oak Hill Montessori
Preschool Address:3150 Fairview Park Drive, South, Falls Church, VA 22042
Preschool Phone:(703) 608-4096
Child ages:2 months - 6 years
Preschool Website:http://oakhillmontessoriva.com/

Preschool Philosophy

Dr. Montessori referred to the young childs mind as absorbent. Their minds act unconsciously absorbing experiences and impressions that are the foundation for creating his intellectual abilities. Have you ever thought about how it is possible for a young child to learn language when it is so difficult a task for adults to learn a new language? The young child hears birds, cars, music, and numerous other sounds, yet they are able to distinguish their mother tongue and use it with all of the correct phrases, pronunciations, and accents, local idioms, and familiar idiosyncrasies. Everything necessary for the child to acquire language resides within them, not from an outside source that has to teach them.
A Montessori classroom is a prepared environment, which means everything in it is designed for use by the children who occupy it. There are small tables, chairs and rugs, brooms, sponges, and an array of specially developed materials that teach them how to care for their environment, learn how to read, write, and understand math, science, and geography. The children also have lessons in grace and courtesy, which provides them with tools that help them socialize and interact appropriately.

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Special Needs
Operating hours

7am - 6pm
Monday - Friday

Photos of Oak Hill Montessori

Photo #1 of Oak Hill Montessori
Photo #2 of Oak Hill Montessori
Photo #3 of Oak Hill Montessori

Oak Hill Montessori on Map

Oak Hill Montessori

(703) 608-4096

3150 Fairview Park Drive, South, Falls Church, VA 22042