Creative Childcare Center, pre-school description in 22408

Name:Creative Childcare Center
Type:Pre School
Pre School Address:10817 Tidewater Trail, Fredericksburg, VA 22408
Pre School Phone:(540) 379-6987
Child ages:3 weeks - 12 years
Pre School Website:

Pre School Philosophy

Our philosophy is that learning should be fun to achieve a love for learning

We welcome you to Creative Childcare Center's newest state of the art secured building. Our new facility is unique in so many ways. We offer your child an academic curriculum in a country club setting with well trained, caring, and professional staff for children ages 6 months to 12 years. Our goal is to offer all children a loving, stable, supportive, and safe environment. Young children learn best while hard at play. Through choices of learning centers and computers, children will explore at their own pace. at Creative Childcare, your child will be in a "home is where the heart is" setting, one that is safe, secure, clean, and nurturing. Parents are always welcome at any time during the day to drop in and visit with their young children. Parents are reassured not only by our safeguards but also by our loving atmosphere we have created for children at Creative Childcare.

INFANT and TODDLERS An infant and toddler's world is a sensory one. This program centers around stimulating your young child's emotional, fine, and gross motor skills. Parents are kept up to date daily on their young child's progress. The experiences children gain provide the basis for successful learning. These experiences will lay the foundation for children to lead fulfilling lives and become responsible productive citizens.

PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS Preschool children are taught phonics, numbers, the alphabet, shapes, and colors. They are also introduced to computers, foreign languages, and sign language through games, songs, finger plays, flannel board stories, music, and arts & crafts. Children learn about manners, health and safety, nature, the environment, and their community through science and thematic units. The daily program provides experiences that promote growth and well-being. The curriculum allows for age appropriate development of gross and fine motor skills, language skills, cognitive skills, social, and emotional skills, and a positive self-concept. Children learn to respect nature, which in turn carries over to their learning to respect all peoples in all environments.

ACADEMY K - 5TH GRADE Creative childcare offers Private schooling in a home school atmosphere where emphasis is on the basics. Our "home is where the heart is" setting focuses on reading, writing, and arithmetic. The curriculum is phonics and Christian based with emphasis on science, literature, art, language arts, history and geography, spelling and poetry, penmanship, health, and fitness. Children are taught respect for nature, which in turn carries over to their learning to respect all peoples in all environments. Class size consists of 10 children to one teacher for individualized attention .

SCHOOL AGE PROGRAM and SUMMER CAMP Our before and after school program provides a safe and secure place for your child to have snacks, to play outside, and to work on homework. Our summer camp program provides opportunities for school age children to memorize lines for plays and songs in preparation for them to produce their own talent show. During the summer, school age children can be involved in the following Activities: Weekly pool use, sports, gardening, arts and crafts, swimming lessons, moon bounce, Kids Clubs USA, and Kidsercise, field trips to area museums and attractions, pony rides, feeding animals, hikes on nature trails, and many other fun activities.

PARENTS Creative Childcare Center has established as its two major goals (1) meeting the developmental needs of children to promote emotional and physical well being, and (2) providing support systems for families to enhance parent child interaction. Our centers are licensed by the state of Virginia Department of Social Services. The grounds have been certified by the State Fire Marshal's office and the Health department.

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Special Needs
Operating hours

5:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Monday - Friday

Creative Childcare Center on Map

Creative Childcare Center

(540) 379-6987

10817 Tidewater Trail, Fredericksburg, VA 22408