Midway Primary, pre-school listing in 30173

Name:Midway Primary
Type:Pre School
Pre School Address:5 Midway School Rd., Silver Creek, GA 30173
Pre School Phone:(706) 236-1880
Child ages:n/a
Pre School Website:n/a

Pre School Philosophy

Midway Primary in Silver Creek doesn't seem to have a school philosophy listed but most often great daycares pledge to catering to each family that enrolls kids in the daycare center. When searching for a Silver Creek child day care make sure their intention is to properly provide a safe center so that dads and moms feel good and know that the child care center is taking great care of their baby.

Your kid's early social development will likely be changed by the combination of several people, maybe the most importantly family, daycares, and educators. Many know that early education specialists and staff create a tremendous moment to inspire this growth. Have certainty that all teachers and staff have extensive training in the career of choice and truely adore facilitating the schooling of small kids. A fantastic daycare center will support your child be ready to to get in to k by giving them how to take care of their basic needs from the moment they begin through the end of their prekindergarten year.

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Midway Primary on Map

Midway Primary

(706) 236-1880

5 Midway School Rd., Silver Creek, GA 30173