Mill Creek Elementary School Preschool, pre-school profile in 30461

Name:Mill Creek Elementary School Preschool
Type:Pre School
Pre School Address:239 Beasley Road, Statesboro, GA 30461
Pre School Phone:(912) 764-5979
Child ages:4 years - 11 years
Pre School Website:n/a

Pre School Philosophy

Mill Creek Elementary School Preschool in Statesboro, GA doesn't have a school philosophy listed but generally fantastic daycares are bound by assisting all families in the specific daycare. If you are searching for a child care in Statesboro be sure that their main purpose is to properly provide a safe and caring atomosphere so all dads and moms can breathe knowing that the day care center is careing greatly for their child.

Your baby's early emotional progression will likely be impacted by the work of many groups of people, made up of relation, daycares, as well as child care staff. Many think that early educators and staff have a enormous moment to champion this important development. Have certainty that each and every educator have extensive training in their respective fields and really enjoy engaging the early education of little babies. A fantastic daycare will encourage your child prepare to go to k by teaching them how to care for themselves and others from first years through preschool graduation.

View profile on Mom Trusted: Mill Creek Elementary School Preschool, pre-school profile in 30461

Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday - Friday 7:00am-3:15pm

Mill Creek Elementary School Preschool on Map

Mill Creek Elementary School Preschool

(912) 764-5979

239 Beasley Road, Statesboro, GA 30461