St. Timothy's Episcopal School, daycare center listing in 70068

Name:St. Timothy's Episcopal School
Type:Daycare Center
Daycare Center Address:1101 Belle Alliance, La Place, LA 70068
Daycare Center Phone:(985) 652-7001
Child ages:3 weeks - 6 years
Daycare Center Website:n/a

Daycare Center Philosophy

St. Timothy's Episcopal School in La Place does not have much about their philosophy here but normally the best child care services are zealous about giving a helping hand to each and every family that enrolls younsters at that day care. When you are in need of a daycare center make sure that their main purpose is to provide a safe and caring place so all primary caregivers feel comfortable knowing that the daycare center loves that baby with all their heart.

Most kid's early social progression will be formed through the care of so many people, most importantly relation, child care services, as well as child care staff. Many think that educators and staff members have a enormous opening to excite this development. It's good to be sure that each and every teacher are well-trained in their respective careers and really enjoy engaging the learning environment of little toddlers. The best day care will help your younsters qualify to go to school by helping them with school routines from the time they are babies through prek graduation.

View profile on Mom Trusted: St. Timothy's Episcopal School, daycare center listing in 70068

Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

Mon - Fri 8:30a - 2:45p

St. Timothy's Episcopal School on Map

St. Timothy's Episcopal School

(985) 652-7001

1101 Belle Alliance, La Place, LA 70068