First Christian Church Preschool, preschool info in 74074

Name:First Christian Church Preschool
Preschool Address:411 W. Mathews, Stillwater, OK 74074
Preschool Phone:(405) 372-7722
Child ages:3 months - 4 years
Preschool Website:

Preschool Philosophy

Every child is an unique individual and should have the opportunity to develop to his/her full potential. The First Christian Church Preschool and Childrens Day Out (CDO) programs provide an environment to encourage each childs development.

Every child will receive many learning experiences. Our programs provide a foundation for positive growth for each stage of development: social, emotional, physical, and intellectual.

Every child needs to be positively nurtured. Our staff exhibits a caring and loving attitude in response to the needs of each individual child.

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Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

First Christian Church Preschool on Map

First Christian Church Preschool

(405) 372-7722

411 W. Mathews, Stillwater, OK 74074