Dreams Learning Center in Hartford, WI

Name:Dreams Learning Center
Type:Child Care Provider
Child Care Provider Address:1190 Western Dr, Hartford, WI 53027
Child Care Provider Phone:(262) 673-3154
Child ages:2 years - 8 years
Rate:$$$ (starts at $710)
Child Care Provider Website:http://www.dreamcenterpreschool.com/

Child Care Provider Description

The Dreams Learning Center (DLC) 3K and 4K Preschool located in Hartford Wisconsin is committed to providing a developmentally appropriate curriculum that focuses on the whole child. Physical, social, intellectual, and emotional development is emphasized in a safe and nurturing environment. Our goal is to support each family by developing a partnership with parents, communicating daily to build mutual understanding, while ensuring the welfare and optimal development of each child.

View profile on Mom Trusted: Dreams Learning Center in Hartford, WI

Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday - Friday: 6:00AM - 6:00PM

Dreams Learning Center on Map

Dreams Learning Center

(262) 673-3154

1190 Western Dr, Hartford, WI 53027