Faith Lutheran Preschool in Collierville, TN

Name:Faith Lutheran Preschool
Preschool Address:507 N Byhalia Rd, Collierville, TN 38017
Preschool Phone:(901) 853-0050
Child ages:1 year - 5 years
Preschool Website:

Preschool Description

Faith Lutheran Preschool - School Year Preschool with options for extended care and summer camp program.


Here is just a bit of a summary we have found for Collierville Faith Lutheran Preschool at this time. You might be able to acquire more information on the day care center's teaching philosophy over here:

Something else to consider when evaluating a day care center in Collierville, TN is at reputable day cares, class times are utilized to inspire young children to learn and have fun. Virtually all esteemed day care center in Collierville TN provides a model for prek development. The most prestigious of these organizations utilize programs produced alongside professionals in early childhood development. Great lessons are most useful when delivered by early childhood educators who are highly sensitive to the abilities of the children.

Faith Lutheran Preschool in Collierville, TN is a day care center managing in an extremely important industry. For anyone in this line of work, the ultimate goal is to grow a strong connection to children and parents through service to the community. Moms and dads who seek the leading day cares can relax knowing they are placing their babies in safe, nurturing and educational environments. Undeniably, day cares and child care centers in this area will provide families with innovativeness and solidity. In Collierville, the child care bureau cooperate together with child care providers to ensure safe care and learning for babies. Most people believe that day cares are amid the most important contributors of society. These experts merit support to continue to do this beneficial service to families.

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Please contact us for more information.
Operating hours

7:30 AM - 5:45 PM

Faith Lutheran Preschool on Map

Faith Lutheran Preschool

(901) 853-0050

507 N Byhalia Rd, Collierville, TN 38017