Griffin Yeates Center Head Start in Williamsburg, VA

Name:Griffin Yeates Center Head Start
Preschool Address:1490 Government Road, Williamsburg, VA 23185
Preschool Phone:(757) 229-4183
Child ages:3 years - 6 years
Preschool Website:n/a

Preschool Description

Head Start is a federally funded program designed to serve eligible preschoolers through a comprehensive array of services in health, family services and education.
The Head Start Program is designed to assist families in a number of areas:
*To provide a developmentally appropriate classroom experience for eligible preschoolers.
*To foster self-sufficiency by offering training and support services to parents.
*To provide opportunities and to support families in their self-sufficiency efforts through child care, education, job training, referrals, financial counseling and family counseling.
*To provide services that allow Head Start children to begin Kindergarten at the same level as their peers.
*To assist parents in accessing health services for children.
*To increase and reinforce family literacy.
The program conducts home visits for the purpose of providing support to families through the dissemination of home learning packets and information regarding parenting and their child's developmental progress.
The Head Start program also provides services to children with disabilities. Referrals are made to the program from various agencies serving young children. Children with disabilities receive the same educational experiences as other children with the addition of the assistance or therapy required.
Most of the parents in the program qualify for the Head Start Block Grant program with the Department of Social Services. This program assists parents in paying for child care for their children while they work or attend training.

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Special Needs
*Head start programs serve children with disabilities in an inclusive environment with other children. *Work closely with other agencies and organizations serving children with disabilities. *Head Start staff screen children to ensure they are "on track" with their development.
Operating hours

8:45 am - 1:15 pm
Tuesday - Friday

Griffin Yeates Center Head Start on Map

Griffin Yeates Center Head Start

(757) 229-4183

1490 Government Road, Williamsburg, VA 23185