Hebrew Academy in Tampa, FL

Name:Hebrew Academy
Type:Pre K
Pre K Address:14908 Pennington Road, Tampa, FL 33624
Pre K Phone:(813) 963-0706
Child ages:1.5 years - 13 years
Rate:$$ (between $510 and $710)
Pre K Website:http://www.hebrewacademyoftampa.com/

Pre K Description

At the Hebrew Academy of Tampa Bay our goal is to provide an atmosphere and experience that stimulates your childrens natural curiosity and enthusiasm to learn. We are committed to excellence in education by offering the finest in General Academic and Judaic programming. Our qualified and dedicated teachers create a positive learning environment in which the foundations of self-confidence and love of scholarship with follow your child into the future. Our responsibility is to prepare our children for the future by fostering a life-long love of learning. Through individualized attention our children are given the tools to succeed academically in their present and future education. Our goal is to maximize each childs potential. The classroom becomes a community in which Jewish values (Middot) and the performance of Mitzvot are modeled and reinforced Hebrew language introduced and mastered. We strive to develop in our students a deep sense of pride in their heritage and a profound love for Judaism and Eretz Israel.
Additional Services: Half Day

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Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday_Friday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Hebrew Academy on Map

Hebrew Academy

(813) 963-0706

14908 Pennington Road, Tampa, FL 33624