Homer Davis Head Start in Tucson, AZ

Name:Homer Davis Head Start
Prek Address:4258 North Romero Road, Tucson, AZ 85705
Prek Phone:(520) 696-0303
Child ages:3 weeks - 5 years
Prek Website:http://www.childparentcenters.org/head_start_arizona/childrens_programs.html

Prek Description

We are a non-profit agency delivering Head Start and related programs throughout southeastern Arizona for prenatal through preschool age children and their families. The focus of our work is:
*Early Childhood Education & School Readiness
*Health & Nutrition
*Parent Engagement & Family Development
The purpose of the Childrens Services Department (CS) is to provide children and families with quality education experiences that will help them create learning foundations that they can build upon in the future. To create this foundation the CS department takes on several responsibilities, the most wide-reaching being the development of appropriate curricula and developmental domains, where the domains involve enhancing specific developmental areas: math, science, language and literacy, social, emotional, cognitive, physical, and creativity.
The CS department leads the agency in the planning and implementation of curricula in all mediums such as the classroom, Home Base option, Early Head Start and Family Literacy. The department is also heavily involved with the exploration of modern child development research and theories, component responsibilities that enable the agency to offer quality, up-to-date educational experiences & opportunities to children and their families.
The CS department supports the teaching staff of all program options, helping them to develop and implement methods and strategies that will enhance the childs educational experience. A high degree of emphasis is placed on relationship-building, specifically those between the teacher and parents, which is a standard based upon research that demonstrates such positive interaction between teacher and parent increases the childs chances for educational success.

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Homer Davis Head Start on Map

Homer Davis Head Start

(520) 696-0303

4258 North Romero Road, Tucson, AZ 85705