JCC of Greater Rochester Day Care in Rochester, NY

Name:JCC of Greater Rochester Day Care
Type:Child Care Provider
Child Care Provider Address:1200 Edgewood Ave Bx18026, Rochester, NY 14618
Child Care Provider Phone:(585) 461-2000
Child ages:2 months - 4 years
Child Care Provider Website:http://jccrochester.org/newwebsite/earlychildhood.html

Child Care Provider Description

Studies confirm what we at the JCC have known for years young children learn best through active exploration and play. What is great fun to a child is actually a carefully planned approach to help develop the social emotional physical spiritual and academic skills so essential for (what kind of) success.
The Wolk Children's Center's hands-on curriculum encourages participation and builds self-confidence. We help children become active participants in school and in life developing their individual skills and talents and building the foundation for a lifetime filled with the joy of learning. This location is qualified to apply prescription medications

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Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday - Friday 7:00 am - 6:00 pm.

JCC of Greater Rochester Day Care on Map

JCC of Greater Rochester Day Care

(585) 461-2000

1200 Edgewood Ave Bx18026, Rochester, NY 14618