Kingsbury Elementary in Sumter, SC

Name:Kingsbury Elementary
Type:Day Care
Day Care Address:825 Kingsbury Road, Sumter, SC 29154
Day Care Phone:(803) 775-6090
Child ages:n/a
Day Care Website:n/a

Day Care Description

We don’t have a description for Kingsbury Elementary, a day care in Sumter, SC. We’re working to locate more info about Kingsbury Elementary. For your reference, we’ve put together a few items below that parents typically look for in a daycare.

At first-rate daycares, staff devote much of their day to making the environment comfortable, safe, and educational. Communication and flexibility are great indicators of outstanding daycare. World-class child care centers are devoted to managing their work reputations. Lots of day cares running today tout hard-working classroom assistants who is smart as well as nurturing. Upholding the culture of merit, stable child care centers concentrate on continually developing their developmental offerings.

Commonly, dads and moms prioritize hiring the most acclaimed, and most admirable Sumter day care. Girls and boys are so sweet and they should only be given the most nurturing care available. Day care centers succeed generally based on the qualifications of their teachers. That's why excellent child care centers in Sumter practice the most stringent protocol when hiring. In an ideal world, all staff are inspected in detail.

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Inspection URL
Special Needs
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Kingsbury Elementary on Map

Kingsbury Elementary

(803) 775-6090

825 Kingsbury Road, Sumter, SC 29154