Little Dreams Learning Center in Baton Rouge, LA

Name:Little Dreams Learning Center
Daycare Address:4232 North Blvd, Baton Rouge, LA 70806
Daycare Phone:(225) 388-0888
Child ages:3 weeks - 6 years
Daycare Website:n/a

Daycare Description

Little Dreams Learning Center is a child care center or preschool in Baton Rouge, LA but does not have a description at this time.


Here is just a bit of a data we've collected for this daycare in Baton Rouge for the time being. There's a chance you can get additional data on the daycare's mission statement here:

Something else to regard when weighing a daycare is at wonderful child care centers, instruction are used to motivate young children to learn while having fun. Virtually all credible daycare located in Baton Rouge LA strives for an environment for supreme child development. The most prestigious of these centers maintain curriculums conceived in consultation with experts in child development. Great programs are best delivered by educators and staff who incorporate the developmental progress of the children.

Little Dreams Learning Center in Baton Rouge, LA is a daycare running in a busy, competitive industry. For anyone in the industry, the best thing to do is to establish a strong connection with families through outreach to the community. Parents who seek the most trusted child care centers can rest easy knowing they are placing their toddlers in a nurturing as well as educational environment. Undeniably, local child care centers will impress families with commitment and love of toddlers. In Baton Rouge, the care and education department collaborate together with child care providers to protect consistently high care for local children. In lots of ways, child care centers are quite frankly among the most significant members of their communities. These experts should definitely get continual support to do their valuable work.

View profile on Mom Trusted: Little Dreams Learning Center in Baton Rouge, LA

Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

Mon - Fri 6:00a - 11:00p

Little Dreams Learning Center on Map

Little Dreams Learning Center

(225) 388-0888

4232 North Blvd, Baton Rouge, LA 70806