Pinecrest Head Start in Johnson City, TN

Name:Pinecrest Head Start
Preschool Address:500 Angel Drive, Johnson City, TN 37601
Preschool Phone:(423) 929-1781
Child ages:3 years - 5 years
Preschool Website:

Preschool Description

The ultimate goal for Head Start children is to help them realize their full potential by helping them to achieve a good self concept and help them realize they can do anything they really want to do.
The Education Service Area provides an environment conducive to learning with many experiences for children to experiment with and learn. Classrooms are arranged in centers which focus on various subject matter. This arangement allows for chldren to explore and experiment in areas such as art, music, library, math, writing, manipulatives, blocks, computer, science, housekeeping, and dramatic play. A developmental assessment is administered to all Head Start children soon after enrollment. An individualized program is then created for each child with a focus on those areas in where improvement is needed.

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Inspection URL
Special Needs
* health impairment * developmentally delayed * hearing impairment/deafness * speech and/or language impairment * visual impairment/blindness * emotional/behavioral disorder * orthopedic impairment * learning disability * autism * traumatic brain injury
Operating hours

9:30 AM - 2:30 PM

Pinecrest Head Start on Map

Pinecrest Head Start

(423) 929-1781

500 Angel Drive, Johnson City, TN 37601