Small Wonders Preschool in Longmont, CO

Name:Small Wonders Preschool
Preschool Address:700 Longs Peak AVE, Longmont, CO 80501
Preschool Phone:(303) 651-8404
Child ages:3 years - 6 years
Rate:$ (less than $510)
Preschool Website:

Preschool Description

Small Wonders Preschool
Small Wonders preschool is licensed with the State of Colorado. It utilizes a curriculum that promotes learning and development in each of the following areas: social, emotional, physical, creative, language and cognitive.
At Small Wonders Preschool, children explore art, science, music, phonics, math concepts, art, rotating themed play centers and so much more! The children are offered opportunities to learn through play and through structured activities, individually and in groups.
Each child's social-emotional development is fostered through the development of friendships, self-regulation skills, empathy and the ability to resolve conflict in a positive way.
Early literacy is supported through reading, learning letters and sounds using Zoo-phonics, and immersion in a print rich environment.
The children use our outdoor play yard and indoor play areas for daily gross motor activities. Parent-involved field trips, such as those to a local farm and dairy, are scheduled throughout the year.

Small Wonders Preschool is under the direction of Ms. Carolyn Clark, an educator who brings a wealth of experience working both in Kindergarten and Preschool classrooms. She is in her fourteenth year with Small Wonders Preschool.

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Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday to Thursday 9:00am - 2:45pm

Small Wonders Preschool on Map

Small Wonders Preschool

(303) 651-8404

700 Longs Peak AVE, Longmont, CO 80501