St Matthew Preschool and Day Care in Grandview, MO

Name:St Matthew Preschool and Day Care
Preschool Address:2217 Highgrove Rd, Grandview, MO 64030
Preschool Phone:(816) 763-8277
Child ages:2 years - 11 years
Rate:$ (less than $510)
Preschool Website:

Preschool Description

St. Matthew Presbyterian Preschool and Daycare has proudly served our community for over 40 years. With a dedicated staff committed to the education of young children we have established ourselves as a cornerstone in Grandview, MO. We offer a safe and secure christian environment that welcomes children from all backgrounds and faiths.
Our school has a great working relationship with a variety of programs in the Grandview School District, including the Head Start, Early Childhood, and Child Development Classes at the High School. Our
curriculum is based on the information and skills the children will need in order to be prepared for kindergarten, socially and academically. Take a closer look to see what St. Matthew has to offer your family!
Welcome to St. Matthew Presbyterian Preschool and Daycare! We provide children with a first-class early childhood education. Our focus is to offer a safe and secure environment in a Christian atmosphere while enjoying all varieties of preschool activities! Put your childs future first! St. Matthew's teachers follow a curriculum which focuses on preparation for kindergarten and language development. Your child will love the hands-on activities and group play in our multiple play rooms and fantastic playground. St. Matthew offers programs for children two years of age through eleven years of age, including a summer program for our school age children. Our school caters to a variety of schedules as our program runs on a twelve month schedule and offers all-day care.

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Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday - Friday: 9:00AM - 12:30PM

St Matthew Preschool and Day Care on Map

St Matthew Preschool and Day Care

(816) 763-8277

2217 Highgrove Rd, Grandview, MO 64030