Wailuku Head Start B in Wailuku, HI

Name:Wailuku Head Start B
Type:Child Day Care
Child Day Care Address:355 South High St, Wailuku, HI 96793
Child Day Care Phone:(808) 249-2988
Child ages:3 years - 6 years
Child Day Care Website:n/a

Child Day Care Description

WAILUKU HEAD START B is a Group Child Care Center in WAILUKU HI. It has maximum capacity of 20 children. The center accepts children ages of: 3 years to 6 years.


Oh darn! We don't have much of a data for this Wailuku child day care. There's a chance you can find more descriptions on their overall teaching style here: https://www.daycarecenters.us/day-cares-in-96793/wailuku-head-start-b-in-wailuku-hi-5ea30b2c5016

Something else to consider when considering a child day care in 96793 is at reputable day care centers, lessons are used to encourage growing children to have fun while learning. Virtually all well-regarded child day care located at 96793 provides a model for supreme child development. The most prestigious of these organizations use a program produced in consultation with experts in child development. Great curriculums are most effective when delivered by teaching staff who are highly sensitive to the needs of children and their parents.

Wailuku Head Start B in Wailuku, HI is a modern child day care working in a crucial industry. For anyone in this line of work, the ultimate goal is to gain a trusted relationship with families through service to the community. Mom and dads who seek the best day care centers can relax trusting they are entrusting their younsters in safe, nurturing and educational environments. Undeniably, day cares and child care centers in this area will serve mom and dads with innovativeness and solidity. In Wailuku, the licensing agencies participate with day care centers to ensure consistently high care for local children. Most people believe that day care centers are among the most essential supporter of society. These experts deserve ongoing assistance to continue to do this invaluable work.

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Wailuku Head Start B on Map

Wailuku Head Start B

(808) 249-2988

355 South High St, Wailuku, HI 96793