YMCA - Mehfoud Elementary in Henrico, VA

Name:YMCA - Mehfoud Elementary
Type:Child Day Care
Child Day Care Address:8320 Buffin Road, Henrico, VA 23231
Child Day Care Phone:(804) 221-6590
Child ages:5 years - 14 years
Rate:$ (less than $510)
Child Day Care Website:http://www.ymcarichmond.org/chickahominy/programs.aspx?id=3328

Child Day Care Description

YMCA Elementary School-Age Child Care programs are designed for children in kindergarten through middle school. School-Age Child Care complements and enhances formal education and provides learning opportunities that build relationships, develop character and inspire discovery to help foster your childs academic success.
As with any YMCA program, the YMCA School-Age Child Care curriculum focuses on the YMCA mission of a healthy spirit, mind and body and are based on our four core values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility.

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Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Monday - Friday

Photos of YMCA - Mehfoud Elementary

Photo #1 of YMCA - Mehfoud Elementary

YMCA - Mehfoud Elementary on Map

YMCA - Mehfoud Elementary

(804) 221-6590

8320 Buffin Road, Henrico, VA 23231