Labor and Industry For Education Head Start in Brooklyn, NY

Name:Labor and Industry For Education Head Start
Type:Pre School
Pre School Address:671 Louisiana Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11239
Pre School Phone:(718) 942-1680
Child ages:2 years - 4 years
Pre School Website:

Pre School Description

LIFE operates a Head Start program in Brooklyn. Head Start is a federally funded pre-school program for children ages 2-4 years old. The program provides top quality educational nutritional (including free lunch and healthy snacks/drinks) and health (free health screening) components to children in eligible families. The program which LIFE has operated for the last 12 years is located at 671 Louisiana Avenue Brooklyn.

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Photos of Labor and Industry For Education Head Start

Photo #1 of Labor and Industry For Education Head Start

Labor and Industry For Education Head Start on Map

Labor and Industry For Education Head Start

(718) 942-1680

671 Louisiana Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11239