YMCA Child Care - Perrymont in Lynchburg, VA

Name:YMCA Child Care - Perrymont
Daycare Address:409 Perrymont Avenue, Perrymont Elementary School, Lynchburg, VA 24501
Daycare Phone:(434) 847-8750
Child ages:5 years - 12 years
Daycare Website:http://www.lynchburgymca.org/child-care/school-age-child-care

Daycare Description

For nearly a century, the YMCA has led the way as the nations largest and most respected provider of activities for youth. What makes YMCA so special? For starters, honesty, respect, responsibility, and caring are the cornerstones of every YMCA program.
In addition, the Y adds a unique component to help children develop positive identities, values, and social skills. That component is known as Developmental Assets. These are 40 essential character building blocks that young people need to grow up to be healthy, competent, caring and responsible adults.
The YMCA of Central Virginia offers programs for youth whether they are in school or out of school.

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Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

6:30 am-8:30 am - 3:00-6:00 pm
Monday - Friday

Photos of YMCA Child Care - Perrymont

Photo #1 of YMCA Child Care - Perrymont
Photo #2 of YMCA Child Care - Perrymont

YMCA Child Care - Perrymont on Map

YMCA Child Care - Perrymont

(434) 847-8750

409 Perrymont Avenue, Perrymont Elementary School, Lynchburg, VA 24501